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Membership & Registering

How do I become a member?
Our registrations for 2023-2024 are closed.

In the last three years the number of available spots was less than the number of people who wanted to join the tennis club. This could also be the case this year, so there’s a chance you will be excluded. The selection will be based on timing (the earlier you fill in the form, the greater the chance you will be selected), your tennis level and motivation. You will receive an email with the result of the selection a few days after the last day of the enrollment period. Hopefully we’ll see you in September!

Duration and unsubscribing
A membership at TC de Uithof lasts for at least one year. The membership will silently prolong after this. So if you don’t want to be a member next year, you can fill in this form. The deadline is August 3rd, 2024 at 23:59.
Please note: your deregistration from TC de Uithof is only completed if you have received a confirmation from the Secretary. You will receive this no later than one week after filling in the form.

After you have sent a request to unsubscribe, you will be placed on the so-called ‘unsubscribe list’ and you will be automatically unsubscribed on August 31, 2024. Being a member of TC de Uithof is per academic year and cancellation during the association year is unfortunately not possible. You are required at all times to have an OlymPas + SSV registration for the entire duration of your membership.

What does a membership cost?
As a member of TC de Uithof, you are required to pay a €55 contribution fee to the club and additionally you need an OlymPas which costs €160, plus SSV registration (i.e.: indicates you are a member when purchasing the OlymPas are from TC de Uithof). In total, as a student, membership at TC de Uithof costs you €215.

NB: Are you not a student at Utrecht University, the Hogeschool Utrecht or the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht? Then you do not fall into the so-called A-category of Olympos, and you probably cannot purchase an OlymPas at a student rate. Click here to check in which category you belong to.

What do you get in return?
You will, of course, receive a lot in return for your contribution and your OlymPas, namely:

– Access to all activities of TC de Uithof, such as club evenings, fun tournaments and competition. But also, to a wide range of social activities such as monthly drinks, winter sports, weekends away, parties and many more activities.
– Access to all the sports that Olympos offers, click here for more information.



Datum/Tijd Evenement
20 februari - 23 februari SET
27 februari Clubavond
1 maart - 9 maart Open Toernooi
13 maart - 16 maart Lustrum VII: Lustrumreis
20 maart Clubavond
27 maart Selectieclubavond
29 maart Geheime Lustrum activiteit
30 maart Familiedag
3 april Borrel
10 april Oudhof Clubavond