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Playing tennis

General information
To be able to use the tennis court you have to be in possession of an OlymPas, this is a pass that allows you to practice sports at the sports center Olympos. Again, you can not only play tennis with this pass, but you can also participate in group lessons and other sport programmes and enter the fitness area. More information about the available sports program you can find here. For students from the University of Utrecht, the cost for an OlymPas is €160 a year. More information about the cost and how to purchase an OlymPas you can find here.

Training information
Since 2019, Van Bunderen Sport Service has been providing tennis training for TC de Uithof and OlymPas holders.

Summer training
The summer training is a 10-week cycle from Monday, July 3rd 2023 to Wednesday, September 6th 2023. Registration is open until June 23rd 2023, 23:59, using the following link:

Click this link to view the regulations for summer training.

Autumn training
The fall training is a 16-week cycle from Monday, 11th of September to Sunday 21st of January 2024. Registration is open until the 31st of August 2023, 23:59, using the following link:

Click this link to view the regulations for autumn training.

Van Bunderen Sport Service trainers who are active at TC de Uithof:
– Rob van Bunderen
– Teun de Vree
– Ruben Humblet
– Raymond Birza
– Sattar Shamous
– Richard Debets
– Friso Henning Backer

Tennis school van Bunderen sport service is responsible for the training at TC de Uithof. We have been doing this with pleasure for several years. We are a tennis school that challenges and inspires students and associations. We do this by arranging our services to the personal wishes of the “customers”. In addition to tennis training, we also offer mental and physical training.

The trainers of Van Bunderen sport service are qualified, passionate, curious and always developing. They provide enthusiasm, pleasure, energy and the right physical effort during tennis training.

Bonding and involvement are core values ​​within our organization. By being closely involved with your association or organization, we can think along with you. Because of this and through the professional knowledge within the tennis sport we can make progress together. Working together with tennis school van Bunderen sport service guarantees inspiring tennis training, more members, enthusiastic students, and more successful associations.

For more information about the tennis school and the trainers, visit this website.

Competition information
Spring competition
The spring competition takes place from April to June. Every year many teams in different competitions represent TC de Uithof. The registration has now been closed.

Autumn competition
In the fall, competition is played in the months of September and October. The registration for the autumn competition has now been closed.

Ladder competition
This year Sport centrum Olympos facilitates a ladder competition. For more information about the ladder competition, you can visit the Olympos site: Tennis ladder Olympos.



Datum/Tijd Evenement
20 februari - 23 februari SET
27 februari Clubavond
1 maart - 9 maart Open Toernooi
13 maart - 16 maart Lustrum VII: Lustrumreis
20 maart Clubavond
27 maart Selectieclubavond
29 maart Geheime Lustrum activiteit
30 maart Familiedag
3 april Borrel
10 april Oudhof Clubavond